Teen Dating Advice for Girls (Part 4)- How To Deal with Absent Fathers
I had a chance to sit down with renowned sex educator, Jackie Brewton, to discuss how to improve a teen girl's sense of self-confidence...

Saving Our Girls- Part 3- How To Help Physically Present, Emotionally Absent Dads To Engage Their Da
Dr. Alduan Tartt sits down for part three of the seven part interview with world renown sex educator, Jackie Brewton, about raising girls...

Saving Our Girls: Healthy Sex Education, Part 2- "The Dad-Advantages of Having an Active Father
One things that really burns me up is when society labels the victim as the problem. Society is so quick to put negative labels on girls...

Saving Our Girls: Healthy Sex Education, Part 1- "The Number One Issue Facing Teen Girls Today&
This video series is the first of a seven part series that I am doing with world renown sex education, Jackie Brewton, on healthy sex...