How I Taught My Daughter To Be Fearless & Overcoming Anxiety
As a parent, especially a dad, you are always trying to find ways to teach life lessons. Well, I somehow volunteered myself to take my...

Saving Our Girls: Healthy Sex Education, Part 2- "The Dad-Advantages of Having an Active Father
One things that really burns me up is when society labels the victim as the problem. Society is so quick to put negative labels on girls...

Dr Tartt Hosts Brunch & Learn For Single Moms Raising Sons Nov 8th- Solutions For Raising Boys I
Register Here: Brunch & Learn For Moms Raising Boys November 8th, I am empowering 30 plus moms on how to raise boys into exceptional men...

Dr Tartt Hosts Brunch & Learn For Single Moms Raising Sons Nov 8th- Great Parenting Advice
November 8th, I am empowering 30 plus moms on how to raise boys into exceptional men as part of "Tartt Talks"! Why? Because raising...